Freda with her 'Swedish' trolley

Freda’s Fall

UPDATE: The course ‘Freda’s Fall’ was hosted here temporarily while it was otherwise homeless. The official version now has a permanent home at

Learning Outcomes for Freda’s Fall E-Learning

  1. Describe the risk factors associated with falls.
  2. Describe the different assessment tools that can be used to predict and support the management of people who have had a fall.
  3. Describe how to recognise those at risk of falls.
  4. Describe the interventions and support that can be offered to a patient who has fallen.
  5. Describe the roles of different healthcare professionals in the prevention and management of falls.
  6. Describe outcome measures used for falls.
  7. Identify ways to promote self-management in those with a history falls.
  8. Critically appraise your approach and management of falls.
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